I started my Archetypal Astrology practice for one simple reason: I wanted to help as many people as possible unlock their potential and have the tools they need to fulfill their life’s purpose.

For over 25 years I worked as a licensed psychotherapist in the traditional medical model of diagnosing pathology and “fixing” symptoms. But even though I enjoyed this work and became quite proficient, there was something about focusing on people’s pathologies that didn’t sit right with me. 

judith royal

During my time in private practice in Virginia, Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell and James Hillman inspired my interest in universal symbols that eventually brought me to Archetypal Astrology—a perfect synthesis of all that life had taught me. But this theoretical leap took me out-of-bounds for the medical model of my training and practice.

Synchronicities started to pop up all around me. I began to see they were the footprints of angels marking the path of my destiny.

Then, in a wildly rambunctious moment at the turn of the new millennium, and spurred by my Saturn Return cycle, I decided to risk it all and shift into a more creative and satisfying professional gear. I moved to west to California, to the meeting place of eastern and western thought. It was a risky adventure that lead me to the happy discovery of my true Self.

Joseph Campbell called it “following your bliss.” I was on fire with the passion of answering the Call of my destiny. And that’s what I want to pass on to my clients. When I interpret a new chart for someone, I feel like I’ve been given a glorious and divine puzzle. I can’t wait to tell my client what I see. I see their true Self.

There’s more to you than your job. Your kids. Your cars. Your clothes. Your fears. The authentic, passionate, vibrant, and essential you is there waiting to be unveiled.
— Judith Royal

Answering the call of your destiny is the key to happiness, vibrant health and joyful loving relationships.

I’ve learned that often the work of uncovering and embracing your true Self needs support over time. That’s why I offer workshops as well as one-on-one coaching and counseling. These more intimate and extended encounters ensure that you have actionable steps to take in your daily life as you let yourself be lead by your soul’s intentions as written in your stars and as they are manifesting like sparkling synchronicities on your path.

Thanks for visiting my site. Let your curiosity lead you to open the door to another dimension of communication—the universal Language of Light.


Bachelor of Arts, University of California, Berkeley

Master of Science, Rehabilitation Counseling; Virginia Commonwealth University/Medical College of Virginia

Post-graduate training; Family Systems Therapy, Murray Bowen; Carl Rogers, Center for the Studies of The Person; Moreno Institute of Psychodrama; Certified Trainer, California Board of Corrections.

Professional Experience: 25+ year as a Licensed Psychotherapist; Sole Proprietor of the Women’s Family Therapy Center, Virginia; Clinical Director, St. John’s Hospital for Chemical Dependency, VA; Program Director, Eating Disorders Center of Virginia, Norfolk General Hospital, VA; Deputy Probation Officer III, Youth Services Center, CA; Instructor, UC Davis, Resource Center for Family Focused Practice.

In a category of healing all its own: Group Intensives and Talks with Ram Dass; Center for Attitudinal Healing, Tiburon CA; Children As Teachers of Peace, Dr. Jerry Jampolsky; 40+ years of Continuing Study, A Course in Miracles, The Foundation for Inner Peace.